May 26, 2012

Le post , le lelele

Cough*..Stay a while and listen ugh.. hi, how are you today ? Not that I care but I needed an intro because I have no idea why am I still writing this , I mean I don't do this for you , maybe I am kinda selfish and I do this for myself or maybe I just like to type stupid things that just pop-up in my head . Anyway .. should we talk about the weather and try to make a conversation ? Fuck that .. look the thing that really bothers me is why am I not writing my so called blog in Romanian , I mean I am pretty proud for being Romanian , I always enjoyed the history of our great nation ( read that with an " Borat " accent much more cooler ) . So after I analysed who is reading this stuff .. and found out that some users are just looking for porn and stumble on this .. I kinda laughed to be sincere . I imagine that those tags with " naked J-Lo , naked Emma Watson , naked Bill Cosby " did their job well . So I won't change my language, I am writing in English because is so much funnier..and also the auto correct function doesn't work for Romanian .. Meh..outside is pouring raining like this for a couple of weeks now , the sky is grim and the weather makes me wanna write a dark "noir" novel , but than I remember nobody reads anymore , for whom I shall write ? For myself ? For my kids ? I ain't gone kids , and they will probably be connected to the internet since birth , I imagine my first born talking in memes : Me at the hospital .. my wife is in labor .. the doctor delivers the baby safe and sound .. the baby opens his eyes slowly looks at me and shouts : " LE FUUUUUU " and I like a trolldad which I will be fly out of the picture " le lol " le le le le Ok ..don't be confused if you didn't get the joke.. is kinda stupid.. Ok now for a moment let's be serious about this, I would like to say hello to those friends that somehow still read my blog but aren't talking to me anymore . I still love you people but I understand that I am an jackass so it's ok that you don't want to keep in touch anymore ... it's just that when the zombie apocalypse will come I won't do jackshit to save your sorry asses , just sayin' stand by me and everythin' gonna be ok for ya folks . And because I already want to delete this post ..I will end this non sense here . Sometimes I wonder why girls hate me .. I mean sandwiches aren't making themselves in the kitchen are they ?!
That's me at my country side.. I mean that's a field and ..I was just walking with my brother towards an old cemetery to pay our respects to some old dead folks from our family . (Look closely at my left hand , yeh.. you got it . wink* ;) be good and take care of you )