Dec 21, 2012

Happy New Year !

Hello folks , long time no see and as I was expecting I guess nobody is around here anymore. I strongly hope you aren't dead already.. I tried to warn you about the Mayan Calendar.. I am pretty much safe because right beside me is one of the last few working Mayans working at a new Calendar ending in 6969 ..don't ask questions .. just wanted to be a nice round number . Well I am still here as you may have already observed , I am well and pretty happy, I still strongly believe in the fact that you as an individual must do whatever makes you happy but without affecting others in a bad way . We are mere mortals, and all in one perishable beings , our time is short and we must find a way to make our staying worth . A New Year comes , probably I won't have the time to write another post ( because mr Hugh Hefner just gave me an sms telling me that he wants his favorite PlayBoy bunnies back ) and also because I am pretty much busy with making myself and my girlfriend happy at this moment . Your truly one and only mr. Jack Crowley aka Jack aka that guy I used to love to hate . Happy New Year !

Sep 18, 2012

Be a man and learn to act !

I don't have the time to write a post.. I have a life.. I am not a blogger I am more like that bad ass motherfucker you grew to envy time after time . I just wanted to say I'm still alive , currently I am probably better in any way or form than ever . I still love you people so be good , have fun remember to live your life and smile.. I guess that's one important thing . Also for the brothers that are reading this post, I have a task for you, in the next month I want you to approach girls, randomly .. just to her and say " sorry .. I don't really know how to do this but I think you are gorgeous, something about you radiates from within, I don't want to disturb if it's not ok I will just leave, but god knows I don't want to " . It's fucking easy either the girl will say ..something good either they will laugh or be retarded..and confuse the fuck out of you . Anyway I will probably don't get any comments about how this task worked out ..but if you are up for this challenge give me a message and I will drink one beer for your guts to talk to a girl, two beers for making an conversation , and five beers for dating her Good luck champs !

Jul 25, 2012

Dreams... meh

I wanted to say something , but I am not drunk nor high/ So I deleted the entire post because it was a waste of your time/ I was looking at some photos of you and I/ Now I somehow regret I never said goodbye/

Jun 19, 2012

Bad Jack is back

The dark brother was covered in red clothes and was running to complete the circle. He had the potions and the signs , the Master shall be summoned ! The world will live another glorious day ! He entered his room , opened the bottle of beer , drank it like it was no tomorrow, snorted the fairy dust , and relaxed . 3 21 And Kaboom... Jack was summoned ! Welcome back to this shitty as blog people of the internets first of all I will surely want to kiss you all inspite your age sex religion or location , because you , you inglorious basterds , you are the reason I still write this shitty posts , somehow I feel the need to slap your tits once in a while , somehow I feel the need to say : man the fuck up you silly ass clown , it is time for glory not tears ! Tears are for pussies , that's even more fucked up, I had many pussies but non was crying .. almost all of them had a passion for food and sleeping on top of me..although one had some serious drug habits and was a drug dealer , the Petas Cartel ... this is a fuckin' picture of him all high and shit : That tomcat was fuckin' dangerous once I tried to give him a bath , next mornin' I woke up with a horse head under my sheets . Ok now let's be painfully serious , I just put an end to my nicotine addiction , because fuck that THC is better . In other news my ass reports that it still doesn't want to give a shit about your sorry ass opinion about me , I rull' so fuck the Universe if you say something that is contrary of what I just said . Also .. peace love and some motherfuckin' butterflies and icecream ! Ok .. now I will go to drink the rest of my beer commenting on my "friends" crapbook pages .. I will be serious and sincere .. so prepare yourself the shitstorm approaches ..

Jun 17, 2012

June 17

Another week has past and so this damned weekend . I wish I could say I have done some legendary things this week, things that you will be eager to hear . Unfortunately I didn't , I just woke up , got my ass to work and back ..all this excitement for 5 days straight . I wanted to write something the other night , but I was piss drunk so I decided to go outside and take a long walk , simple pleasures of life... sometimes shouldn't be combined . I guess I am getting old , meh.. I just wanted to be more and more stupid , to achieve that nirvana derived from that state of mind .. ignorance is bliss , but if you can't ignore everything what the actual fuck are you doing ? Not succeeding at being stupid is a fail or a win !? Seriously I don't care much about this , I just want a couple more days of freedom a couple more beers in the fridge and some normal humans to interact with. Are you there ? Could you give me a sign that is somehow ok to write ? I don't feel the need anymore to do this .. or I am not drunk enough , don't know , I just want to move on and explore some new places , meet some new people to restore some of my lost faith in humanity . For now I will leave you with this song , wish you all the best wherever you are .

May 26, 2012

Le post , le lelele

Cough*..Stay a while and listen ugh.. hi, how are you today ? Not that I care but I needed an intro because I have no idea why am I still writing this , I mean I don't do this for you , maybe I am kinda selfish and I do this for myself or maybe I just like to type stupid things that just pop-up in my head . Anyway .. should we talk about the weather and try to make a conversation ? Fuck that .. look the thing that really bothers me is why am I not writing my so called blog in Romanian , I mean I am pretty proud for being Romanian , I always enjoyed the history of our great nation ( read that with an " Borat " accent much more cooler ) . So after I analysed who is reading this stuff .. and found out that some users are just looking for porn and stumble on this .. I kinda laughed to be sincere . I imagine that those tags with " naked J-Lo , naked Emma Watson , naked Bill Cosby " did their job well . So I won't change my language, I am writing in English because is so much funnier..and also the auto correct function doesn't work for Romanian .. Meh..outside is pouring raining like this for a couple of weeks now , the sky is grim and the weather makes me wanna write a dark "noir" novel , but than I remember nobody reads anymore , for whom I shall write ? For myself ? For my kids ? I ain't gone kids , and they will probably be connected to the internet since birth , I imagine my first born talking in memes : Me at the hospital .. my wife is in labor .. the doctor delivers the baby safe and sound .. the baby opens his eyes slowly looks at me and shouts : " LE FUUUUUU " and I like a trolldad which I will be fly out of the picture " le lol " le le le le Ok ..don't be confused if you didn't get the joke.. is kinda stupid.. Ok now for a moment let's be serious about this, I would like to say hello to those friends that somehow still read my blog but aren't talking to me anymore . I still love you people but I understand that I am an jackass so it's ok that you don't want to keep in touch anymore ... it's just that when the zombie apocalypse will come I won't do jackshit to save your sorry asses , just sayin' stand by me and everythin' gonna be ok for ya folks . And because I already want to delete this post ..I will end this non sense here . Sometimes I wonder why girls hate me .. I mean sandwiches aren't making themselves in the kitchen are they ?!
That's me at my country side.. I mean that's a field and ..I was just walking with my brother towards an old cemetery to pay our respects to some old dead folks from our family . (Look closely at my left hand , yeh.. you got it . wink* ;) be good and take care of you )

Apr 21, 2012

Life is ours, we live it our way

  Oh..hello there, let me just put on my headphones and pop up another beer ..
Good.. now I am back .. oh this beer .. I love it,  I had some medical problems so I wasn't allowed to drink for about 16 days . It was pretty painful , but now I have a sweet six pack right next to me .
   You know I also wasn't allowed to go to work for some time so I had plenty of spare time to think about myself and what am I doing with my life . Obviously I concluded that I am too fucking awesome and that it's imperative necessary to stay as hidden as possible and not letting the majority of the people to see my awesomeness in his purest form possible, I am afraid they would cause riots , churches will be raped women will be burned and so on ..
   Seriously now, for a reason I don't fully understand right now it seems that the shit is about to hit the fan , I am older than ever before and the fact that I know I am not the brightest crayon from the pack doesn't help me too much . At work is ok , in fact I may have some chances not to get fired , at home I am making a perfect team with myself ... like look at those beers I bought them for me .. I can't say anything else .. who would go at 2 : 30 in the morning , ignoring two packs of stray dogs , and buy me an six pack ? I would ! Fuck yeah !
    Sometimes I wish I could turn back the time just to straighten up some things , some ugly things I did in the past , I am not always sorry about what have I done , but sometimes , just sometimes, I wish I could thank some people for being part of my life , even if that time passed by very quickly , the memories and the feelings that those people gave me left a mark ( not a scar ) on my heart . Sometimes I wish the world would be as I see it right now after three beers .. lovely , with people in which you can trust .. sadly only an foul would trust someone else . As much as we like to think about ourselves as social beings , the only thing that keeps as together is the egoistic need of one and another . If we could be self sustaining physically and psychically we would not give a fuck about others . That is just my opinion .. and another golden rule is " Do not take any advice about life or love from anybody . This is YOUR life .. THEY can't know 100% what is good or bad for you .. think for yourself and make decisions after you thoughtfully compared the risks and the advantages . Look at me ..saying don't listen to any advice and I am giving them like you just crack opened a bag of fortune cookies .
     Anyhow... what I wanted to say is .. enjoy your life , enjoy what you feel and enjoy the moments with your family and friends , don't collect things..objects ..collect moments , collect joy through memories , it will come a time when all we will have would be those memories .
    May you all be blessed by some super power out there in the Universe... God.. Flying Spaghetti Monster or even Cthulhu ruler of all and beyond .  I don't know how much of the old " Jack " is in me , it seems that he's fading away , so  be good folks , as I stated before I love each and everyone of you  , stay safe !

Oh and this is for you , for the ones that keep coming here to find out if I am still living , I do miss you, so close no matter how far

Mar 18, 2012

Error 404

               The skies are black, the Moon is red , the thunder roars and Jack is back !
      I missed you internet, in fact I am writing this in a wordpad with no internet access whatsoever.. I will probably upload it later for the delight of my hot readers and my brothers in faith ! Manergy !     Let me take another sip of beer and let’s spread my brains onto this sheet of virtual paper.
I didn’t had any reasons to write , I didn’t had any funny things to say and frankly speaking we all know you are stupid and ugly so there is no point for me to show you the obvious .  I wish I could saw your pretty faces reading this . I bet you’re so damn cute looking at this white text on the black background , all wondering what the fuck is he trying to say . Well I’v got an answer for you smarty panties : NOTHING
I am too tired and stupid to make sense at this hour so why the fuck are you still reading this bullshit ?!

I bet you like it rough . Do you want to know a fun thing ? After reading this you will see black stripes ..
Is because my background is black.. I kinda need to changed this blog’s appearance .. but guess what I am to fucking lazy to do it .. and I like black .
Oh bros and hoes I missed you ! And you know , all of you have a place in my heart  !
So for my non romanian readers I will apologise but I will write some lines in my language for my dearest friends .
   Nici macar nu ai idee cat trebuie sa ma abtin atunci cand sunt in preajma oamenilor , sunt mai antisocial ca dracu’ si mai uracios decat Sfantul Petru intr-un bordel de gay , dar in seara asta sunt mai iubitor decat Maica Tereza . Dumnezeu sa ma ierte caci nu-I voi duce numele in desert iar de asa va fi promit sa-l acompaniez .
           Prieteni si critici , va iubesc deopotriva , va iubesc miseleste si anost , egoist si prefacut dar va iubesc , sa-mi fiti cuminti si sa traiti cat sa puteti cotiza la pensia mea care al dracu sa fiu daca nu o sa o beau tot in cinstea mea impreuna cu pustoaice de liceu !


Feb 8, 2012


  Hello there , earthlings , how are you today ? Pretty good I surely hope , I am kinda frozen , outside is a frozen land, where is that god damn global warming when you need it ? Anyway I just wanted to salute you guys, thanks for coming by , I would love to invite you to a cup of  mulled wine .. I just found out that boiled wine is called that way so now I am feeling, somehow, enlighten .
   As for myself I am pretty much ok , I really wanted to say hello to some people I would probably never see them again in the close future . Be good and take care of yourselves .. and also .. yeah I am talking about you now .. be happy , smile a little and .. I'll leave this here .
miss you ugly one

Jan 3, 2012


Hello there people of the interweb, I wanted to talk with someone close to me , to someone close to my heart , I searched that person in all of my friends , in all the people I knew I wanted to share something deep and personal . Unfortunately I found none , no shoulder to lay my head upon , I was once an lunatic .. I ran from what I felt and I managed to carry that on for some time . Today though I felt like I was kneeling in front of my heart and my feelings , I can't and don't want to talk with just anybody about this .
      So I did the only thing that I knew it would somehow help me, I just opened a new tab , logged in and ...found another way to run from humanity.. It's silly and pitiful but I need to take this weight down from my chest  .
      I loved a girl once , I was young and stupid, I couldn't believe that someone would love me back,  but she did . She has a special place in my heart , although I tried to find another girl in which to bury my soul , I couldn't find the right one. I am feeding with feelings , I consumed a dozen girls and none satisfied my thirst for what I was feeling back then in her arms , kissing like there will be no tomorrow , knowing that she is mine and I am hers .
     My friends.. love is not only blind and stupid .. love is fucking retarded ,  I am trying to man the fuck up for about 8 hours and I am still not able to comprehend the fact that almost all the girls I knew once,  have a happy life and they are carrying on with it like I wasn't even there .
     A part of me is laughing like a devil in the fires of Hell , a part of me takes pleasure from this , the other part is tormented by former sweet memories turned in sour patches for my souls wounds .
          I don't know what is worse to be loved and not give a damn or to give a damn and not be loved.

This..this state of mind.. what I am feeling now , will hunt me forever , deep inside of me , I will not be able to rest until I find that girl, to rest my head to her chest and feel hear heart beating . To feel her living next to me ... 
 Sorry if I bored you.. I don't even know why I am apologizing , nobody reads this .. but in the case you had the chance to read this : Thank you.. tonight you were my closest friends .