Sep 18, 2011

Lock you doors ☺

Well well well... Hello there my sweet innocent reader , I am Jack as you may already know, proudly presenting you a funny story. So tonight after a couple of beers I am sitting alone at the window listening to some good old Johny Cash when someone is forcing my door . I looked amazed and with a grin smile on my face I took out my switch blade , unlocked the door and with a state of mind saying " come at me bro " ( I have a vital of 100% and with another 20% booze bonus ) .. but there is nobody there . Mindfuck I say.... what the fuck was I drinking... nothing extraordinary , just plain beer , the drink of Vallhala's gods . The lights were off ( the lights are turned on by motion sensors ) . Well it seems we have a ghost / vampire / entity of unknown source , trying to enter my room . " ha ha " I say in my mind thinking about what is my plan when I will meet a being thought to be supernatural : rape . So I unlocked my door , pulled up a cigar , light it up and praying to god that my neighbor is not trying to enter my place I am sitting here and wait for the one which tried to brake into my place to enter , " come at me bro " I said in my mind while pouring another glass of beer ... I am Jack god of nothing and bringer of futile posts , bringer of sorrow ..come and get me... least until someone breaks into my mansion ( and will probably be stabbed and raped ) I am saying to you goodnight ( because here..right now is fucking late ) and have a good time.. life is nothing more than a game with awesome graphics but shitty gameplay .

Sep 12, 2011

fuuck fuck fuck..and bla...I am too drunk to give a fuck

So.. I got my beer .. I got my cigars .. I got my head on my shoulders but my mind is gone . I am writing this ,slightly drunk , I was thinking about a name , a name for a new mask , people love masks , they always do , I have a bad habit of making them from used, or not , t-shirts , I like making them creepy as fuck , because I want to express what I am .. I want people to see that I am the guy which in his spare time is looking for new ways to improve a pipe bomb or that guy who will fucking love a zombie apocalypse just because he is really tired of this life ,, this routine .. this modern slavery . Don't get me wrong , if you see me you won't notice that I am abnormal , as a matter of fact I am not , I am just thinking ahead of my time , you know.. 2012 and the end of the world , I want to be prepared . Eh.. maybe I got too much time on my own and I am in need of a girlfriend to rule over my life .. let's go shopping .. let's watch that romantic movie , let's go out with my friends , let's pretend that love will be more powerful than your strong anarchistic desires and you will be nothing less than a small man , obedient at his most . Fuck love my friends , love is the definition of " I want my mind to be fucked at another level " ... maybe I am looking for some mindfuck .. who knows ..certanly not me , I just created another mask .. it's more metaphorically than poetry .. Jack's cutting a t shirt creating a mask , that R. will use in his daily life . I am used to smile when I will just want to smash someone's face , I am used to go along with the society's needs... but maybe one day I could be me .. and I shall dance around the fiery flames like a madman , oh how I will dance the dance of the death and sorrow . Fuck my friends , putt me in chains and lock me away , I am doctor Jeckyll mr Hyde and his brother in law .. Jack Crowley . I am out because I am too drunk to fucking correct all my english mistakes , I am a fucking romanian mother fucker , so please spare me of my non sense .. I can't write talk and make poetry like this while keeping an correct vocabulary . See you next time you perishable waste of time and space .