Dec 31, 2010

I will let you down , I will make you hurt

I hurt myself today,                 
to see if I still feel
I focus on the pain
the only thing that's real
the needle tears a hole
the old familiar sting
try to kill it all away
but I remember everything
what have I become?
my sweetest friend
everyone I know
goes away in the end
and you could have it all
my empire of dirt

I will let you down
I will make you hurt

I wear this crown of thorns
upon my liar's chair
full of broken thoughts
I cannot repair
beneath the stains of time
the feelings disappear
you are someone else
I am still right here

what have I become?
my sweetest friend
everyone I know
goes away in the end
and you could have it all
my empire of dirt

I will let you down
I will make you hurt

if I could start again
a million miles away
I would keep myself
I would find a way

Dec 28, 2010

No name posting has no name

Standing with my two buddies in the same bed and watching "Weeds" I didn't posted anything new but hey.. I am busy guy hanging out night after night in different places..usually other than my "home base" .  Another year has passed and this month was..oh boy how should I say this..  I mean I have done so many things... ( vodka time lapse )
      Now I gotta go, one of my friends is looking at my lappy and watches what I write here ... lols
Stay safe kids and remember uncle Jack loves you and your mom !

PS . Happy Holidays kids & moms .
I wove u :3

Dec 18, 2010

Pentru voi

     Din nou acasa dupa o scurta plimbare prin zapada , prin frigul de afara . Am stat putin in fata blocului contempland cladirile , luna cerul , sperand in sinea mea la un semn de la o divinitate inca nedescoperita .
M-am asezat pe un gard din metal si am ramas acolo cateva minute bucurandu-ma de linistea de la miezul noptii . Cateva beculete colo , un bradut impodobit si acoperit putin de zapada si linistea...linistea pe care o cautam mereu . Sunt un om destul de aiurit de felul meu, imi e teama constant de faptul ca o sa ajung doar un baiat mare care nu o sa treaca de pragul acela al maturizarii.. the big step . Mereu am fugit de lucruri , mereu am fugit de ce mi se parea prea complex , de sentimente de obligatii ... nimic nou sub soare , sunt sigur ca toti trecem cateodata prin anumite clipe in care totul ni se pare pierdut sau fara rost , cand nimeni nu ne intelege . Eu am sarit peste neintelegeri si am inceput sa fug de mine insumi, sa incerc sa dispar , as fi incercat sa hibernez cu lunile sa inchid ochii pentru a ma ascunde mai eficace de oamenii din jurul meu .
      In seara asta , stand pe bara aia rece a gardului , mi-am dat seama ca sunt dator , sunt dator celor care au stat langa mine , celor care m-au urat si care m-au amenintat , celor care m-au lovit si celor care m-au imbratisat .
      Fuga mea , macar in seara asta , a luat sfarsit , pentru un moment am ridicat ochii catre cerul asta mare care ne acopera pe toti si am spus " multumesc pentru tot " , sunt o persoana ciudata din prea multe puncte de vedere , probabil insuportabila cateodata , nu sunt neaparat un om rau.. doar antipatic de cele mai multe ori, dar asa cum sunt in viata mea au intrat si au iesit atatia oameni fiecare lasand o mica parte din ei iar fiecaruia ma simt dator macar cu un "multumesc" .
     E destul de putin , stiu , sper ca intr'o buna zi sa va pot oferi mai mult decat un scurt elogiu, voi cei care ma cunoasteti sunteti universul meu, fara voi eu nu as fi decat o minte searbada lipista de contactul cu realitate . Am incercat sa fug de voi , v-am intors spatele sau v-am dezamagit cand ati avut mai multa nevoie de mine .
Am fost las, am fost prost si sanse sa devin mai bun sunt slabe, dar in momente ca astea realizez ca defapt nu urasc sarbatorile , nu-l urasc pe Dumnezeu si nu va vreau niciodata raul , defapt urasc neputinta mea de a face ceva maret pentru toti cei care ma inconjoara si nu numai.
     Am spus destul de usor " iubesc " , mi-a placut de multe ori sa ma agit in cocktailul ciudat de sentimente dupa care sa ma imbat cu ele , ca mai apoi sa ma trezesc mahmur lipist de vlaga , cu dorinta de a ramane singur . De data asta e diferit , va iubesc pe voi , sincer poate am avut micile noastre diferente , poate ne-am contrazis si ne-am certat , poate am uitat unii de altii si fiecare a mers pe calea sa , dar aici , undeva in inma mea veti ramane vesnic .
      Imi cer scuze pentru randurile prost scrise , as fi vrut sa va arat ce simt acum, talentul meu literar e destul de limitat , dar poate intr'o buna zi faptele si nu cuvintele, imprastiate vag pe o pagina de blog, v-or demonstra ca ceea ce am spus e adevarat .

Va iubesc , asa va fi intotdeauna .


Dec 2, 2010


        Hello my dear reader, I am back ..with a smile so big on my face that I fear I will soon look like The Joker.
Inspite that fact I would love to talk to you about a great actor , a man amongst men , his name .. Piersic , Florin Piersic .
       You see.. americans and some eurofags love to consider Chuck Norris the most badass man on the face of the earth ..but you see , if Chuck would ever meet Pierisc he would bow down and kiss his feet while mr. Piersic dressed up like Margelatu would eat sunflower seeds and spit them over him .
      This an playboy even at his age his charisma could melt ice and turn on chicks on a 2.5 km radius ,
       And now , I made an awesome wallpaper , putting this on your desktop instantly makes you more awesome , you will grow beard , your balls will turn to steel and girls will go mad after your sorry ass . I proudly present you , Margelatu' my personal hero , I bow before him , a true MAN .

Nov 28, 2010

Bad habits

      Hello there my one and only reader, I was wondering how to treat you this time ? Maybe a short story about how too much sleep is worse than sleep deprivation or how I am trying right now to loose my smoking habit . Either one of those subjects are pretty boring , and let's face it no sane human being would give a damn on them .     So ...sticking my nicotine patch on the gluteus maximus I started the old diesel engine which powers my notebook, and began to write all the above .
      Currently I am in the same damned city where I was born, a small part of my childhood was spent on those streets , and even after 24 years the city hasn't changed to much . I am planning to take an small road trip and maybe take a small hike on a forest road , I am pretty much bored right now and my hope to find a job this year are slowly dieing .  Right now , I am feeling like I really don't need many people around , you know I have that feeling that I need to be alone , alone to find some Zen or lost inner peace .
          I will end here my silly good for nothing post , I am going to lift my persona and hover to get a coup of coffee .
        See you later my dear reader , see you later .  

Nov 13, 2010

Day 2

       Day 2 , 0251 AM,  this all seems to be a dream , I just can't wake can I know what is real and what is not .
Time passes slowly while I am smoking a cigar thinking that it's bad for me , that I can still quit ... I can't ..because I am a fagot who don't want to live 80 years ... what is to be done at that age ?
Cigar is gone and now I am trying to get rid of my cat ..he tries reluctantly to sleep on my legs ... silly cat doesn't know my legs aren't pillows .
         Alice follows the rabbit trough a rabbit hole ..she falls and lands without a harm into a nightmerish realm of fantastic yet horrendous events ...
          Pills here ! screams Louis ...
Hey guess what the cat is dreaming about something...

Nov 12, 2010

Adverse reactions

         Here I am, standing in front of my poor ass notebook thinking what shall I do tomorrow, not realizing that is already tomorrow..fuck the time is 2:46 AM and my mr. Sandman is gone at a strip club , getting himself buzzed of with whiskey snorting some coke or raping a stripper .
         My chosen name is Jack, my real name is not important nor relevant of what mumbo-jumbo I will write here , I don't really care who will read this and I don't really care about any of your opinions . We live in an era of bytes ..having digital friends and a whole new digital life , and sincerely I am pretty much sick of this circus , I remember a time not so long ago when I didn't even had a mobile phone, when life was simple enough to write letters, when if you liked someone you would have the guts to tell that person what you felt for her . I remember the time when I walked in my own universe at my country side bare footed and enjoyed the smell of the grass , the trees and the whole fucking living nature around me . It was a time of miracles and magnets .
          Now here I am ..wondering what's the difference between a grown child and a man , asking myself questions like " what should I do with my life " is wrong with this... I don't know what should I do with my life. Every person I meet is always asking me the same thing to make money ..dudes I don't know how to make money if I knew I would not be here , probably I would be along with mr Sandman drinking my brains until neuronal collapse .
                I will end this post here ..bah.. every single pseudo philosopher ask himself what is life ...well folks life is nothing just the road to certain death , there you go , problem solved . I hate big words good night motherfuckers , sleep tight  and dream about boogeyman .